What did the learning pilgrimage include?

Zoe Fellows took part in a series of learning activities so we could better understand how God might already be at work with young adults in our communities, and how churches could support young adults in new ways.  

These activities included:

Hatchathons, for area churches interested in “hatching” new ministries for young adults.

Cultivate, a peer-designed and facilitated “summer camp” for young adults at a vocational crossroads, held at Princeton Theological Seminary’s Farminary Learn more ⟶

Design Labs, workshops for churches clarifying ideas for ministry

Soul Salons, sacred meals designed to reconnect churches to the spiritual purpose of innovation with young adults

Ongoing innovation coaching, An experienced guide for the journey

Pivot retreat, Retreat for reassessing and making changes in a new ministry

Development of learning games and tools, relevant to the learning styles of young adults for self-facilitated spiritual growth and learning, including podcasts and games. Learn more ⟶

The Zoe Project was funded by a grant from the Lilly Endowment, Inc, and is headquartered at Princeton Theological Seminary.